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Coaching Circles

Monty Smith

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

Coaching Circles are a simple process. A group of 5-6 people agree to meet on a regular bases for about an hour. They are drawn together around a general theme, like spirituality or relationships. Or a series of readings or teachings. There are three roles, two of which change for each gathering. The roll of anchor is to provide the necessary orientation and clarifications. The anchor convenes each gathering and manages the flow.

There is a new “case giver” from the group every time who shares a current challenge, what their highest hope for the situation is, a perspective of the stakeholders in the challenge, and where they see a learning edge for themselves.

The other participants listen and share as peer coaches. Their roll is to drop into a deeper level of listening. This is not just listening for facts or to be able to repeat back the information they just heard. The listeners tune into the highest potential of the person facing this challenge. All the participants in effect participate in a Coaching field.

The quality of coaching circles depend on the interior condition of each circle member. This takes shared values, intentions and willingness to trust ourselves and others.

Coaching circle is about building trust and community. Together, we grow less vulnerable and more empathetic. Together, we create and heal; we let go and let come; we gain clarity and move forward. Together, we evolve into more loving and caring human beings.

Purely by listening to each other, we can give one another the support we need to get to our next level of personal success. A coaching circle is not about having a personal coach sit with you and walk through your problems one-by-one, but a circle that acts almost as an “alchemical crucible in applying deep listening to the case giver.” (The Presencing Institute)

Here are some experiences shared about coaching circles:

“Social spaces like coaching circles are super important. Without the deep emotional entanglement as with family, we have greater freedom to show up as we are.”
“It is a real luxury to have a safe environment with people who have empathy and the skills, and not have vested interest in the outcome. Friends you have known for a while have their place, but they are often too invested in the outcome.”
“When I talk with friends, we spend most of our time together catching up on life. In coaching circles, we come ready to talk about challenges and help each other out.”

Coaching Circle Resources:

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