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Theory U - Be the Change You Want To See Happen

Monty Smith

Updated: Mar 28, 2023


The Presencing Institute grew out of the MIT Center’s for Organizational Learning focus on the behavioral dimensions of change. One outcome has been Theory U - a framework for learning, leading, innovating, and profound systems change. The figure “U” (and a U inverted ) depict the process. as an action oriented platform for and at the intersection of science, consciousness, and social change.

The gist of this framework is simple to name: the quality of results produced by any system intervention depends on the quality of awareness of those initiating the intervention. The values, assumptions, attitudes, habits, fears, perceived needs, etc. Both individually and collectively, our consciousness determines the qualities of our actions and outcomes.

The formula for a successful change process is not “form follows function,” but “form follows consciousness.” The structures of awareness, attention and intention determines the pathway along which a situation unfolds. We cannot transform our behavior unless we transform the quality of awareness and attention that we apply to our actions. “ U” invites us to be asking, among other things: Does our plan represent a movement from “ego-system” / short terms gains, toward “eco-system” equitable and sustainable future? A book: The Essentials of Theory U: Core principles and Applications; and, a web site at, and visuals at describe the platform

Theory U as a Resource:

Ours is a time of massive crises, trauma and change. We collectively create results that benefit few while polluting and destroying nature. Can a new consciousness and collective leadership capacity emerge to meet these challenges in a conscious, intentional, and strategic way?

Theory U is developing as an evolving yet comprehensive framework and methodology for communities and organizations to work creatively. It offers accessible; language, diagnostic perspectives, and tools for people to be self critical, effective and forward reaching. “U” can be adopted:

  1. As a shared frame work, map and foundation for understanding groups, organizations and community social dynamics.

  2. As a method for leadership and leading fruitful conversations that lead to social change.

  3. As a way of “being” to access deeper sources of individual and collective creativity and action.

Theory U Lenses / Structures for Comprehensive Conversations :

A core principle of Theory U is that the quality of our communities and organizations is a function of the invisible place from which we operate - our values, assumptions, attitudes, habits, fears, perceived needs, etc.

Theory U identifies eight lenses or structural issues that help focus the principal of awareness for conversations. Looking through or inquiry with these lenses can be applied fluidly for a given context. The lenses / structures include: ecological/ environmental (limits to growth and cultivating finite resources); income / resource disparity (limits to inequality and embodying equity and human rights); financial (limits to speculation and organizing around local economies); technology (limits of fixing symptoms and focusing on sustainable solutions) ; leadership (limits of top down leadership and moving toward direct, distributed, dialogic self governance) ; consumerism (limits of consumerism and attending to inner relational sources of happiness and well-being); governance (seeing the limits of competition and moving toward seeking cooperation) ; ownership (limits of private, state ownership and rights of the commons).

Theory U anticipates that stake holders first protect their own self interests but are enabled to see a bigger picture when discussing the full range of structural issues - all of which are exhaustively researched and written about in the Theory U source material.

The Direction of Theory U:

Theory U names four types of listening and conversation:

  • downloading - “yeah, I know that”;

  • debate - “this is what I think”;

  • dialogue “I really understand how you feel about it. I can sense it too now”;

  • presencing - “I am connecting to something larger than myself”.

Listening deepens (with open mind, open heart and open will) as if dropping down into a U toward Presencing at the bottom where we connect to the source of inspiration and will. It is there we go to the place of silence and allow an inner knowing to emerge.

The move down the left side of the U (connecting us to the world that is outside of our institutional bubble) to the bottom of the U (connecting us to the world that emerges from within) and up the other side of the U (bringing forth creative action - into a new world).

The 5 movements are: co initiating (building a common intent); co-sensing ( to the place of most potential); presencing ( connecting to the source of inspiration and will); co-creating (exploring the future by doing); co-evolving ( embodying and acting from what benefits the whole rather than from narrow self interests).


The name given to the opposite of Presencing (the U upside down) is a journey of “Absencing”. These are conversations and actions that move from downloading, to denying, to de-sensing, to deluding and end in destroying. These journeys reflect being stuck in one self /will; stuck in one skin (us vs. them); and, stuck in one one truth/ideology. Such journeys are characterized by being blind to others, entrenching in a position and holding on and, manipulating and abusing others. There is dis-embodying from deep values, exploitation, prejudice, rage, hate and fear ending in chaos and socially and environmentally destructive outcomes.

Leadership Qualities:

“U” names leadership qualities or capacities that are both helpful and developed by engaging the “U” process. “U” names:

  • Observing - suspending the “voice of judgment” to notice anew.

  • Sensing - sharing open minds, open hearts, and open wills.

  • Presencing - connecting to the deepest sources of self and going to the inner place of stillness where knowing comes to surface.

  • Crystallizing - A small group of change makers commit to a shared purpose, their intention creates an energy field that attracts people, opportunities, and resources for creative, innovative work. This core group functions as a vehicle for the whole to manifest.

  • Prototyping - Applying learning to doing.

  • Co-evolving - As a metaphor, think of the violinist who said that he couldn’t simply play his violin in Chartres cathedral; he had to “play” the entire space, what he called the “macro violin,” in order to do justice to both the space and the music. Likewise, organizations and communities need to perform at this macro level: they need to convene the right sets of players in order to help them to co-sensing and co-create at the scale of the whole.

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